I stumbled upon magnesium flakes by accident when I was actually searching for natural ways to remove chemicals from my tap bath water when I came across this article by Wellness Mama. Although magnesium flakes don’t remove chemicals from tap water, I found they actually add nutrients. Immediately, I wanted to test them out. 

Similar to epsom salt but way better! Magnesium flakes are made from magnesium chloride, one of the many forms of magnesium. Magnesium is essential in regulating our muscle and nerve functions (find a list of magnesium-rich foods here), but magnesium can also be absorbed through the skin from magnesium flakes. 

how to use:

Magnesium flakes are not edible. There are two methods: a bath soak or a foot soak. Both are equally relaxing and incredibly beneficial for both your body and mind. 

Yareli Dead Sea Magnesium Bath Flakes are my personal favorite and can be purchased on Amazon. 

1. magnesium bath soak

  1. Add 1-3 cups (or package recommended amount) of magnesium flakes to  a warm, running bath
  2. Allow 5-10 minutes to fully dissolve
  3. Soak for up to 30 minutes
  4. Rinse
R.I.P. Matthew Perry

Always refer to the instructions on your package first, but it is advised to limit magnesium soaks to 3x per week. 

2. Magnesium Foot Soak

  1. Fill the bathtub (or large bowl/container) with warm water
  2. Use a 1:4 ratio of flakes to water
  3. Mix until fully dissolved
  4. Soak you feet for up to 30 minutes
  5. Rinse

benefits of magnesium flakes

  • Relaxes your muscles
  • Improves sleep
  • Reduces stress and anxiety
  • Soothes skin conditions, such eczema and psoriasis
  • Naturally removes toxins 
  • Magnesium absorption
  • Balances your body’s chloride levels 

Is it safe for kids & babies?

The answer is yes. Magnesium bath soaks are safe to use on babies 3 months and older, but the ratio of flakes to water is significantly lower. 

  • Ages 3 Months – 4 years, use 1 TBSP of flakes in a shallow bath
  • Ages 5 years+, use 1/2 cup flakes (or the package recommended amount if it specifies)

Can I use while pregnant?

Yes, magnesium flakes are safe to use while pregnant, nor is there a restriction on the ratio of flakes you can use. There is no evidence to suggest magnesium flakes are harmful to you or your baby. However, for the safety of you and your baby, always consult with your doctor first. 

To summarize, magnesium  provide us with many health benefits for our muscles and nerves. They are perfect for relieving mental and physical stress. Stress is the leading cause of pre-mature aging and becoming ill. 

If you’re interested in another amazing detox bath soak, try a bentonite clay bath soak. It is a life-changer! I recommend clay baths to everyone when they’re sick, and it’s never fallen short of being a miracle worker!