A bath detox is essential for our bodies to relax, rejuvenate, and overcome illnesses. An organic and natural detox is very important as our bodies absorb what it comes into contact with. You want to make sure you are not using harmful chemicals, additives or dyes in your bath water. (The chemicals in our bath water is a whole other story – don’t even get me started! Haha).

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Why organic?

Organic means all natural, baby! It is something that comes straight from our beautiful Mother Earth, has not been altered in any way, and doesn’t contain harmful chemicals. I am big on all things organic and when it comes to detoxing I am no different.

What does a bath detox really do?

I think a better question is “What DOESN’T it do?” When me or my family are starting to get sick, feeling tired, or stressed, we opt for a bath detox and immediately we feel 10x better! With so many bath detoxes available to try, you may be wondering where to start!

What do you need?

While there are zillions of bath detoxes with herbs, oats, and essential oils, what I have found that works best is much more simple – only 2 ingredients! Of course, you are welcome to add in essential oils for a more luxurious bath, but that is completely optional and up to you! Here is what you’ll need:


Magnesium and bentonite clay together form the ultimate bath detox AND it is a 100% organic and natural detox!

All about magnesium

Magnesium is an essential mineral needed for your body to operate at its best. Not only are magnesium deficiencies extremely common, but without magnesium, the body actually won’t regulate zinc, calcium, copper, potassium, vitamin D, or thiamine. All of which are important for various functions throughout the body.

During this organic and natural detox, your body absorbs the magnesium which will reduce pain associated with stiff or sore muscles and headaches, reduce stress levels, and improve overall skin health. There are many benefits of magnesium, which includes regulated blood glucose and blood pressure levels, muscle and nerve function, brain health, heart health, and energy production – just to name a few! 

All about bentonite clay

Bentonite clay is basically the holy grail of detoxes. Bentonite clay (a.k.a. The Mud That Heals) comes from volcanic ashes and absorbs and removes toxins, chemicals, metals, and impurities from your body. This organic and natural detox works to rid the body of several symptoms, including nausea, vomiting, common cold, viral infections, migraines, cramps, IBS, constipation, and stomach flu. In my experience, it heals you within a matter of 1-2 uses.

However, be aware that bentonite clay has a magnetic charge, meaning it will lose it’s healing magic if it comes into comtact with another metal. So avoid scooping it with a metal spoon, mixing it with a metal spoon, or storing it in a metal container. I pre-mix it in a glass cup or bowl with a little warm/hot bath water and use a wooden spoon to mix. Keep in mind it doesn’t dissolve well, so don’t be concerened if it looks a bit “clumpy”!

step 1

Add 1-3 cups of magnesium bath flakes to your running bath.

step 2

Combine 1 TBSP of bentonite clay with about 1 cup of warm to hot water in a separate container. Once combined, add to the running bath. 

step 3 (optional)

Add 1 TSP of Vitamin C powder to the bath to neutralize chlorine. Let it sit for 5 minutes before getting in the bath. Add 5-10 drops of lavender essential oil for a more relaxing experience. 

It is recommended to sit in the bath for 20 minutes and only rinse afterwards. Do not wash with a body soap. Do this organic and natural bath detox 3 times a week to boost your overall health, when you’re feeling down, stressed, or sore, and when you’re sick or becoming sick. 

It is considered safe for children 6 months and older and for adults. Due to the lack of studies it is not recommended to use bentonite clay during pregnancy but magnesium is safe to use. Magnesium bath soaks actually worked miracles for me during my third trimester when my body was sore 24/7. (That and lavender oil).

If you try my ultimate bath detox let me know how it went for you! I love sharing natural wellness ideas and I am always interested to hear how it works for others.

Disclaimer: the products listed in this article (bentonite clay, magnesium, and vitamin c) are considered safe by the FDA; however, these products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Remember to always consult with your doctor or primary care provider before taking any new medical advice. If you are pregnant or nursing, discuss using anything new with your doctor before use. Consult with your pediatrician before giving to children under the age of 2. 

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Organic and natural detox

I hope you enjoyed learning about my favorite organic and natural detox! If you’d like to learn more, check out my other posts on wellness.