My husband and I have been the official Halloween party hosts for years now, but we face a personal dilemma of becoming more and more eco-focused every year. So now we have chosen to ditch the disposable decor for sustainable decor! It’s a tough choice but so beneficial! By choosing to stop using disposables, but you will be eliminating waste, minimizing your carbon footprint, and saving money. Take it from me, a sustainable Halloween party is a game-changer. 

what is Sustainability?

To begin, a sustainable product is one that does not negatively impact the environment and offers economic benefits overtime. Sustainable products are ones you can re-use (sometimes forever), and you will not be contributing to landfills. 

A sustainable lifestyle is one that more people are moving toward, because we simply care about the future of our planet. Plastic, single-use products are rapidly increasing pollution levels and draining our natural resources. Switching to a sustainable lifestyle is one that will benefit us now and future generations to come. If you’re interested, check out ways to use less waste and be more sustainable!

how to host a sustainable halloween party:

common disposable party items:

  • Plates
  • Cups
  • Napkins
  • Utensils
  • Party Trays
  • Aluminum Pans
  • Single-Use Decorations (Balloons, Tablecloths, Streamers, Etc.)

1. use your own dishes

For a truly sustainable Halloween party this is where it’s at. Using your own dishes means you are not tossing out trays, pans, utensils, plates, etc., which quickly equals 2-3 full bags of trash. I know the thought of using your own dishes may come across as an absolute nightmare, but if a sustainable life is what you want, this is a must. Just try to clean as you go or find a cleaning buddy to help you out! 

2. shop smart

Choose natural or sustainable materials:

  • Glass
  • Ceramic
  • Wood
  • Bamboo
  • Paper

Avoid plastic, metal, and styrofoam!

If you’re still leaning toward disposables, check out Green Paper Products. They offer a HUGE variety of affordable, compostable products. They’re a one-stop shop for all of your party needs – cups, utensils, plates, serving trays, trash bags – you name it, they’ve got it!

3. use a compost bin

A compost bin is a staple in any sustainable home. With a variety of compost bins to choose from, you can easily find one to suit you and your lifestyle. They are very easy to maintain, and all you do is throw in the scraps and wait for the magic to happen. Read here for a DIY compost bin

All food scraps, cardboard, and paper can be thrown into the compost bin rather than the trash; therefore, eliminating waste and pollution. 

Personally, I prefer vermicomposting where you use earthworms to turns your waste into compost. It’s 100% natural and the most beneficial compost bin. When added to your plants, it increases growth, deters pests, and helps protect from diseases. 

4. shop second hand

I’ve been a thrift shopper my whole life, and I have zero shame in it. Not only are you extending the life of the product you buy, you are spending pennies compared to the high dollar cost of a brand new item.

Shopping second hand is very important in living sustainably. We reduce the energy required to produce new items and the pollution being emitted. When shopping for decor, costumes, or dishes, definitely check out thrift shops, yard sales, Facebook Marketplace, or similar. You are sure to find high quality and budget-friendly items. When compared to the cost of new items, you simply can’t beat shopping second hand! However, if you prefer to buy new products, be on the look out for items that are made from sustainable, recycled, or compostable materials. 

5. DIY decor

When the holidays come around, there is nothing better than bringing the family together for some fun, DIY crafts! Creating decor for Halloween does not have to be Pinterest-perfect or award winning. You can use a wide variety of materials to create fun decor, and you may even have everything at home already.

use compostable materials

What is Halloween decor without the traditional front yard pumpkins and hay bales? Remember to use natural, compostable items for decor, such as solar-powered lights, pumpkins, gourds, corn, corn stalks, straw, and hay bales, as these breakdown naturally and help the ecosystem. Avoid inflatables because they use non-compostable materials and require a lot of energy to keep inflated, and plastic decor will fade and easily crack.

halloween decorations

Carve Pumpkins

Carving pumpkins into Jack-o-Lanterns is a classic! We’ve been doing it for decades and it is one of the best ways to add Halloween decor to your home. Ranging from spooky to silly, The Pumpkin Lady has templates for everyone. Check out the templates here from The Pumpkin Lady!

carved pumpkins on staircase

sustainable halloween diy decor ideas:

  1. Turn cardboard boxes into tombstones
  2. Use toilet paper rolls to make bats 
  3. Use yarn or garden twine to make a spiderweb
  4. Decorate glass bottles and jars to create “potions” 

For more ideas on DIY Halloween decor:

6. Alternatives To Single-Use Items

Single use items, such as balloons, plastic streamers, or plastic tablecloths should be avoided. Be mindful – if you can’t re-use it, don’t buy it. 

Rather than balloons for your accent wall or centerpieces, try using a fabric Halloween banner or DIY Halloween luminaries.

Opt for fabric or paper tablecloths over plastic and vinyl.

Use paper streamers instead of plastic streamers.

a sustainable halloween party is so easy it's scary!

To summarize, the main goal of hosting a sustainable Halloween party is to have no waste and to re-use the same decor year after year. Avoid products that aren’t sustainable, such as plastic, metal, vinyl, and polyester. Wood, glass, and ceramics are made of more natural materials and are environmentally friendly. We have been accustomed to a lifestyle of buying cheap, single-use items, and we overlook the fact we’re harming the environment by all we buy and discard. Choosing to live sustainably today will change the future of tomorrow. Live mindfully!