Recently, I started on a journey of figuring out natural and easy ways to get brighter skin. Once I turned 30, I noticed my skin didn’t have a natural glow anymore. I’m trying to look out for my future self and take extra good care of my skin now. Preventative maintenance isn’t only for cars, you know! 

brighter skin is simpler than you think

I managed to spend $100+ on a handful of products that didn’t even help me. I only believe in all-natural, vegan, hypoallergenic products, but I am not kidding when I say nothing helped my skin. 

On the contrary, I had insane breakouts, which I never had in the past. So then I went back to square one: plants. All products contain ingredients naturally derived from our beautiful Mother Earth, so I thought maybe serums and lotions aren’t the answer.

And I was right. Simplicity is key to brighter skin. Stop searching high and low for the perfect product. Everything you need to have clearer, brighter skin is in your diet, and the best part is it won’t cost you a fortune. I use everything on this list on a daily basis, and although I inevitably suffer from dry skin, I do not have acne, dark spots, uneven skin tone, or blackheads. 

As an Amazon associate I earn from qualifying purchases. I only endorse products I have personally used and/or trust. Please note I have not been given free products in exchange for referencing them on my site.

12 things you need for brighter skin:


olive oil
Image by Petra from Pixabay

Olive oil is referred to as oxygen for the body, so chug chug chug! But seriously, you can drink it straight. I take shots of it when I feel sick, I put it in my coffee, I use it to cook everything, and I drizzle it on top of every single thing that I eat. Olive oil is great for giving your skin a youthful boost. You can apply a thin layer on your face or absorb its benefits by adding it to your meals.

Fun fact: The average person should consume 4 TBSP of olive oil every day to stay healthy. Read about all the benefits of adding a drizzle of olive oil to your diet


  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Great for digestive health
  • Heart healthy
  • Clears skin
  • Rich in Omega-6 and Omega-3
  • High in polyphenols
  • Aids in weight loss


Image by Steve Buissinne from Pixabay

So I grew up thinking fats are bad and to avoid eating them. Turns out I was misinformed – there’s good and bad fats! Good fats (monounsaturated fats) are excellent for you and your skin! A diet consisting of good fats will give you moisturized, supple and healthy skin! 

Fun Fact: A handful of nuts every day is linked to longevity and increased brain function as you age!

Foods High In Good Fats:

  • Olive Oil
  • Avocado
  • Soybeans (tofu, edamame, soy nuts, sprouts)
  • Fish (salmon, sardines, bluefin tuna, mackerel, herring)
  • Chia seeds
  • Flax Seeds
  • Nuts


white and brown eggs in carton
Image by Peggychoucair from Pixabay

Pasture raised eggs are not the same as cage free eggs. Pasture raised eggs are THE BEST eggs you can buy, (hence why they’re the priciest at the grocery store) and they contain substantially more vitamins and nutrients than any other eggs. Eggs also make for an excellent facial!


  • Vitamin A – naturally exfoliates your skin
  • Vitamin E – helps protect your cells from damage
  • Beta Carotene – maintains your skin health and appearance
  • Omega 3s – regulate your oil production, minimize signs of aging, eliminate acne breakouts


brown goat
Image by Aleix Solé from Pixabay

It’s rather strange, but goat milk is fantastic for your skin. Drinking goat milk is not your only option, goat milk can also be applied to your face (you’ll smell like sour milk but look gorgeous afterwards). If you’re already into ice rollers, try goat milk ice cubes! Pour goat milk in an ice cub tray, freeze it, and rub the ice cube on your face in the morning as a refresher. 


  • High in fatty acids, which keeps you hydrated and looking young
  • Repairs the skin barrier
  • Encourages normal skin flora (communities of microorganisims that reside on your skin)
  • Fights against measles
  • Reduces your risk of cataracts
  • Usually okay for lactose-intolerant people


Rosewater, whether purchased or home-made, is a must-have daily beauty product. I’ve actually decided to stop using jojoba oil on my face everyday and use a spray or two of rosewater instead, and I’ve noticed my skin responding better to rosewater every day. However, I still use jojoba oil as my body moisturizer. To make rosewater at home, all you need is two ingredients – rose petals (fresh or dried) and water! Check out these two ways of making rosewater!


  • Natural toner and moisturizer
  • Eliminates redness and puffy eyes
  • Balances your skin’s pH levels
  • Gives you brighter, clearer, younger looking skin


ground turmeric in a bowl
Image by Antonio Cansino from Pixabay

Popular in Indian, Asian, and Middle Eastern cuisine, this root veggie has super powers! In my home, we mix turmeric into our dishes or in our kefir milk daily. Read why turmeric should be a staple in your diet, too!


  • Lightens hyperpigmentation
  • Reduces dark circles
  • Reduces redness
  • Evens your skin tone
  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Treats / prevents migraines
  • Treats / prevents Alzheimer’s disease
  • Rich in phytonutrients (helps protect against free radicals)
  • Aids in weight loss


honey bees making honey
Image by PollyDot from Pixabay

Honey (unless you’re allergic) should be eaten every single day. Even if you aren’t incorporating honey into your foods, just take 1 teaspoon of honey every morning or night. It’s well-known for helping ease throat pain, but honey deserves credit for so much more!


  • Hydrates skin
  • Naturally cleanses your pores
  • Naturally exfoliates
  • Heart healthy
  • Helps with memory loss
  • Works as an anti-depressant
  • Lightens scars


cup of tea with sugar cubes on plate
Image by Jill Wellington from Pixabay

Commonly drank in Japanese and Chinese cultures, green tea is valued for its health benefits. It’s practically the holy grail of health for your body… well, that and olive oil. 


  • Reduces redness, dark circles, and skin irritation
  • Firms your skin
  • Improves mental alertness
  • Great for digestive health
  • Protects against cancer and other diseases
  • Aids in weight loss
  • Treats / prevents headaches


Fresh elderberries may be toxic, but when cooked they offer a variety of impressive benefits. Elderberry is available as tea, syrup, juice, or gummies. 


  • Eliminates dark circles, dark spots, sagging skin and fine lines
  • Balances excess oil production 
  • Prevents skin damage
  • Naturally brightens your skin
  • Treats / prevents acne
  • Boosts your immune system
  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Lowers blood pressure


Image by NatureFriend from Pixabay

When you think whole grains you might immediately think carbs. Contrary to popular belief, whole grains and carbs are not your enemy. A diet high in carbs is excellent for keeping you healthy and helping you LOSE weight – that’s right! The carbs I’m referring to are the good ones: buckwheat, oats, quinoa, millet, barley, brown/red/black rice, whole grain bread, whole grain pasta, and the list goes on. 


  • Promotes skin elasticity (collagen)
  • Protects your cells against damage
  • Vitamin B2 (the beauty vitamin) – improves skin tone, balances oils, makes skin radiant
  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Increases metabolism
  • Boosts energy levels
  • Great for gut health
  • Lowers blood pressure


Nature’s moisturizer – jojoba oil! It’s the closest oil to your body’s natural oil production, so I use it regularly for my dry skin. It doesn’t clog pores or cause breakouts like coconut oil. It’s also great for your hair and doubles as a natural makeup remover (similar to coconut oil). 


  • Reduces redness, acne and blemishes
  • Prevents and reduces fine lines and wrinkles
  • Protects your cells from damage
  • Lightens scars
  • Protects hair from split ends, breakage, and dryness


Fruits and veggies are the foundation of all things healthy, and they are a must if you want to clear and brighten your skin. Did you know the more colorful fruits and veggies are, the more we benefit from them? And every color relates to a specific function in our body? Cool, right?! 

So orange is the color for healthier skin. This includes, pumpkin (and pumpkin seeds), oranges, cantaloupe, carrots, and sweet potatoes. Of course, ALL fruits and veggies contribute to brighter skin, but orange is a for sure thing.

Additional fruits and veggies:

  • Kiwi
  • Mango
  • Lemon
  • Papaya 
  • Spinach
  • Kale
  • Red grapes
  • Tomato
  • Strawberries
  • Cucumbers

brighter skin is linked to a healthy diet

I know it’s easier to buy serums and moisturizers for more immediate results, but more often than not, they make your skin worse over time.  If you choose to get the necessary nutrients for brighter skin through a healthy diet, your overall health will benefit in the long run.

Stress and screen time also contribute to poor skin, so find time to relax, do more of what makes you happy, and turn the tv and cell phone off more often 💜

Helpful tip: your body requires a neutral pH level of 7.0 – sounds easy, yes? Well, it is if you’re eating a whole food diet. If you aren’t consistent in your diet and are regularly consuming processed foods like cookies, chips, or fast food, you’re going to send your pH levels down. Check out this chart of foods that increase or decrease your body’s pH.

Disclaimer: always consult with your doctor, pediatrician, or primary care physician before making changes to your health, as medical conditions may cause side effects. 

I hope this helps you obtain more beautiful, radiant and brighter skin! If you would like to learn more about a starting whole food diet, learn how to switch from a processed to whole food diet.