Goat milk is an excellent source of protein, calcium, and nutrients! Not to mention it’s an excellent alternative to baby formula/breastmilk when you’re in a pinch (or a shortage). Read on, my friend!

1. Clears Your Skin

Drink it or lather it on! You can put some directly on your skin to brighten and clear all skin types – especially dry, acne-prone skin. Additionally, there are many small business brands, such as Bend Soap Co., that create high-quality soaps and lotions from goat milk. They are inexpensive and great for sensitive skin!

2. Prevents Allergies & Illness

Studies show goat milk has anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties, which help fight against pneumonia, sinusitis, and much more! If you find you’re sick all the time, maybe you just need some goat milk in your life.

3. Helps You Relax & Sleep Better

Goat milk contains an amino acid called Tryptophan, which helps your body became nice and relaxed. So a glass of goat milk before bedtime might be a good idea if you struggle with getting a good night’s sleep. 

4. Easy To Digest

Although it’s not lactose-free, it is easier to digest than cow’s milk. The fat particles in goat milk are smaller and allow for easier digestion. If you want an even healthier milk AND lactose free – drink it fermented!

5. Good For Your Liver

Because it’s high in protein and antioxidants, it is easy on the liver. Fermented goat milk is best for your liver health, but still, standard goat milk reigns superior to cow milk. 

6. Prevents Ear Infections

Surprisingly, there is a link between cow’s milk and recurring ear infections, so switching to goat milk may help stop ear infections from happening again. And again. And again. 

7. Helps You Lose Weight

The goats are looking out for us – their milk helps regulate our metabolism and aid in weight loss rather than weight gain. The high amount of fatty acids are used to make energy instead of being stored for fat. Hey, if you don’t believe me, even Gwyenth Paltrow vouches for it! 

goat milk may not be for everyone

It’s important to note that goat milk may not be suitable for everyone. Some people may still have allergies or intolerances to goat milk. If you have specific dietary concerns or health conditions, always speak with your doctor before making significant changes to your diet or incorporating goat milk as an alternative to cow’s milk. Additionally, choose pasteurized goat milk to reduce the risk of foodborne illnesses associated with raw milk consumption.

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