A butterfly puddler is a a perfect addition to your butterfly garden. A butterfly puddler contains vital salts and minerals for butterflies. Male butterflies visit puddlers more than flowers and nectar sources due to their need for these minerals. They often visit mud puddles and dung, but you can create a puddler in your backyard or patio, too! Just follow these simple steps on how to make a butterfly puddler for your garden!  

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DIY projects are one of my favorite hobbies. They don’t always turn out the way I’d like, but it’s all about doing what makes you happy, right? Luckily, a butterfly puddler is one of the easiest DIY projects you’ll ever do! All you need is a container, a material (compost or sand), some water, and butterflies of course!

1 . Choose a Container

You can use any container you’d like – a bucket, plant saucer, or anything else you have lying around. If you use a larger container, like a bucket, you won’t have to add water to keep it moist as often. 

2. gather Materials

Many popular choices for a butterfly puddler are: 

The ratio is 1 gallon of sand/compost to 1 cup of salt. All of these materials can be purchased from your local garden store, or they can be purchased through Amazon by following the link(s) below.

3. choose a location

Just about anywhere will do! Butterflies aren’t picky when it comes to location. Place it on the ground, in the ground, or hang it from a tree – these are all perfect placements for your puddler. 

best location:

In the ground is the best option overall. It will allow the puddler to keep moisture longer. If you choose to put it on the ground, remember to keep the surface of the puddler level with the ground – you don’t want it to sink!

4. put it all together

Now that you have everything you need for your very own DIY butterfly puddler, it’s time to finally put everything together, put your puddler outside, and watch the butterflies come and go!

steps to create a diy butterfly puddler:

  1. Thoroughly clean your container first (a 1:1 ratio of vinegar and water is my favorite natural cleaning agent)
  2. Combine your materials (example: sand and salt)
  3. Add enough water to make it moist (not soupy)

operation "butterfly puddler" complete

Easier than you thought, huh? Making a butterfly puddler is inexpensive, a fun learning experience for kids (and adults), and a natural way to attract and help butterflies survive in the wild. 

Don’t forget to keep an eye on the puddler! During the summer, or if you live in a warmer climate, you may need to add water daily to keep it moist. Similarly, if you’re experiencing heavy rainfall, you should consider moving it to a more sheltered location to avoid the materials overflowing out of the puddler. 

don't forget to Certify Your Garden!

Did you know you can certify your yard/garden as a natural habitat?! To see if you have everything needed to certify, check out the National Wildlife Foundation.

Gardens aren’t complete without native plants! What you classify as weeds may not be as pesky as you think they are. On the contrary, weeds are actually a sign that your yard is welcoming to the birds, bees, butterflies, and other creatures. Read more about why you shouldn’t destroy habitats