Fast fashion versus sustainable fashion – what is it, how to become more aware, and how to transition to a more sustainable fashion lifestyle. 

As consumers, we’re not paying enough attention to the details: are the materials safe for your skin, are the dyes toxic, who made this and are they able to feed their family? These are important questions. It’s our money that fast fashion brands are pocketing – money that is not being used to fight climate change or to improve the working conditions. It’s time to see the big picture, and it’s time to be a part of the change. 

In terms of fashion, the quality of the clothing we buy is often ignored, because all we want is more. More clothes, more shoes, more accessories. The more affordable fashion is, the stronger our desire to buy it is.

Here I will discuss the differences of fast fashion versus sustainable fashion. 

Sustainable choices do not only apply to fashion. We accumulate so much waste from single-use, non-reusable products. Check out these sustainable swaps for your home.

fast fashion versus sustainable fashion

fast fashion:

Fast fashion is the production of quick, cheap, trendy clothing. Fast fashion brands include Shein, H&M, Forever21, Urban Outfitters, Anthropology, Free People, Zara, Victoria’s Secret, Garage, Romwe, Old Navy, Gap, Pacsun, and list goes on. 

1.Production Time

Fast fashion involves rapid production and delivery of inexpensive, trendy clothing. Their main mission is to quickly replicate the latest fashion trends and get them into stores at low prices. 

2. Low Cost labor

Fast fashion relies on low-cost labor, often in countries with less strict labor regulations, to produce cheap clothing. They often work in sweatshops where the conditions are poor and unsafe

For many fast fashion companies, such as Forever21, there are no laws in place or requirements to provide their employees with safe working conditions. I refuse to support such a business. 

3. Frequent releases

Fast fashion brands release new trendy clothing frequently – some as often as every day! This encourages us, the consumers, to buy more often and keep up with the latest trends. 

Keep in mind these low budget clothes are only intended to last you through a season. After a few months they begin to shrink, fade, or fall apart.

4. environmental impact

Fast fashion is mainly associated with significant environmental issues, such as excessive waste, pollution, and overconsumption of resources. Additionally, fast fashion impacts the environment by the plastic fibers polluting oceans, the excessive amounts of wastewater used, and the toxic dyes and chemicals.

5. quality concerns

Fast fashion companies focus on low cost and high profit. This results in lower-quality clothes that don’t last very long.

sustainable fashion:

Sustainable clothing uses biodegradable materials from natural, organic, or recycled fibers. Sustainable (and affordable) brands include Boden, Pact, Amour Vert, Parade, Happy Earth, CHNGE, and tentree. Hint: the sale section is your best friend. 

1. ethical production

Sustainable fashion aims to create clothing in an ethical and environmentally responsible way. This includes fair labor practices and working conditions and using sustainable, safe, and natural materials.

2. longevity

Sustainable fashion encourages consumers to buy fewer, high-quality pieces that are designed to last years rather than months. Sustainable clothes are timeless, so you won’t need to worry about following trends.

4. transparency

Unlike fast fashion, sustainable fashion brands are transparent in their supply chain, allowing consumers to make informed choices about their purchases. 

Sustainable fashion brands openly share their tax practices, waste & overproduction, wages, working conditions, where they stand on the climate crisis, how materials are sourced, and what chemicals are used.

5. Environmental impact

Sustainable brands focus on reducing its environmental footprint by using eco-friendly materials, reducing waste, and considering the entire lifecycle of a product. 

6. more expensive

Sustainable fashion can be more expensive due to the use of high quality materials and fair labor practices.

key differences: fast fashion versus sustainable fashion

1. production ideology

Fast fashion prioritizes speed and low cost, while sustainable fashion prioritizes ethics, environmental responsibility, and quality.

2. consumer behaviors

Fast fashion encourages more frequent purchases and higher quantity distribution, while sustainable fashion provides reliable, long-lasting products with less consumption. 

3. environmental impact

Fast fashion is criticized for its negative environmental impact, whereas sustainable fashion is committed to minimizing its footprint.

Did you know the textile industry accounts for almost 10% percent of global carbon emissions? This means the fashion industry is a major contributor to global warming. 

4. social responsibility

Sustainable brands support fair, living wages and safe working conditions for laborers, which is not be the case for most fast fashion companies.

5. price

Sustainable clothing tends to be more expensive due to the use of natural and organic materials and ethical labor practices.

conclusion: fast fashion versus sustainable fashion

Undoubtedly, sustainable fashion is the more environmentally friendly choice and a better long-term investment. Thankfully more consumers are becoming interested in the environment and the future of our planet, so we should expect the demand in sustainable clothing to be on the rise. 

However, fast fashion continues to influence the fashion industry due to its prices and accessibility. The choice between fast fashion and sustainable fashion ultimately depends on the consumers’ values, priorities, and the desire to invest in more ethically produced clothing.