Mental health is a serious concern, and it is affecting more people every day – so let’s talk about it! First off, everyone struggles with mental health (some choose to deny it). Do not think you are the only one. The only difference is how we go about handling it. Journals are a wonderful tool for dealing with your feelings in a safe way.

Journaling is the best method to understand, accept and let go of what is causing you to feel the way you do. When you start, it’s okay to have no idea what you want to write about – just take it one word or thought at a time and you’ll be surprised at what you might discover about yourself. 

These journals are guided, with professional advice and tips to help you along your path to a happy, healthier you. See the best journals for mental health and self-care below.

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best journals for mental health:

After being diagnosed with depression and ADHD, the author followed her therapist’s advice (literally) and created this fun workbook filled with silly comic characters, unique exercises and helpful tips on understanding and overcoming your emotions.

More focused on depression alone, this is a beautiful journal filled with affirmations, creative activities, and insightful tips on understanding your depression and how to break free of negative thought patterns. The author is a licensed therapist, who created this journal to offer guidance and healing to those suffering from depression.

Getting to Good is another written by a licensed professional – a psychologist. She incorporates techniques including cognitive behavioral therapy, building a positive mindset and ways to practice mindfulness. This journal will empower you to see the good in life and will help you “get to good” – taking every day just one at a time.

Burn After Writing was created for you to focus only on yourself – something I can bet you haven’t done in a long time! It’s a journal of self discovery, to challenge you against you. So get off social media and sit down, grab a pen and reflect on yourself. When you’re done, you can do as the title says and burn it or you can hang onto it as a reminder of who you were and how far you’ve come. And no, the book does *not* come with real matches!

Celebrate those quirks! When we learn to love and accept ourselves, life becomes so much more. Kate Allan is a well-known artist on social media who creates stress and anxiety relieving illustrations with affirmations, and this book is the cherry on top! It doesn’t matter how old you are this journal invites you to tap into your fun, creative side. 

Unfortunately, mental health is too often overlooked, ignored, or simply misunderstood. Let me say from personal experience, it will not go away on its own. This is a fight (your own fight) against yourself that only you can win.

These are the best journals to help you change your life, and if you follow them as instructed you will see progress. Healing is a process. Be gentle with yourself and take it one day at a time. 

tips to help change your life:

The very best journals will not be enough if you do not commit to making your mind a healthy place. If you are working a job you don’t enjoy, spending too much time alone, or are surrounded by people who only give off negative energy, change your surroundings. Will it happen overnight? No, but if you set a goal and work towards it you will not fail.

In addition to journaling, I strongly encourage you to start a hobby or a sport that allows you to connect with others, or yourself, on a deeper level. Having a sense of accomplishment and interacting with like-minded people are great foundations for a healthy mindset.

Reading, meditating, spending time outdoors, and doing things you loved as a kid also work as terrific methods for improving mental health. Ultimately, you are in control of your own life. If you choose to get better, you will get better.

What’s more, did you know the vitamins in our food are associated with our mental health? Specifically, low intake in vitamin B1, B2, B3, B5 and Choline are linked to a decline in mental health. By changing your diet and switching to a whole food diet, you will naturally have all the vitamins you need to better yourself.

If you or someone you know is struggling with depression or thoughts of suicide, please visit the Suicide and Crisis Hotline immediately.